Monday, September 30, 2013

Bognor - Displays, Video and a Buggy Ride

We had a perfect day for our September meeting in Bognor. A good number attended; some were there for the first time.

As people gathered, they looked at the displays of scrapbooks, including those of the Women's Institute, items from the Thomson store and pictures gathered by Orla Manning, the co-ordinator of the meeting.

After a brief business meeting, John Murdoch introduced the video: Bognor: A Glimpse of the Past, created by a group from the community. He said they had fun putting it together and reminiscing about people and places of the past in Bognor.
Bognor was the site of the oldest Orange Lodge in the County. It had both a Methodist (later United Church) and an Anglican Church but it has neither now.
A highlight was the interview that had aired on the radio after Dick Murdoch  retired from being the postman for the area for 61 years.  The radio interview was done as they travelled around the area. Some interesting comments were:
- 40 years ago there was more snow - often six or seven feet of snow on the road
- if the horse and buggy couldn't get through on the roads they sometimes cut across fields
- the Post Office was at Thomson's stores and sometimes Dick would deliver groceries along with the mail


After the video, people had the opportunity to take a buggy ride around the community to see what it is like today. Viewing of the displays and enjoying refreshments and conversation continued in the hall.

Thank you to the organizing group and to Windsong Farms for the rides around the community.

Next month, we are in Meaford.

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